
Advanced photography Classes

Advanced photography Classes


Advanced Photography Classes:

 I offer two advanced photography classes the first is the “how to.”

The second is “what to do with this knowledge.” And how to apply it to your photographic interests.


  • Class One –  The Zone System for Digital Photography

Determining proper exposure for consistent predictable results.



  • What is the zone system?
  • Where did it come from?
  • Why it is still relevant?
  • How does it work with color?


            Determining your True ISO (Film speed)

  • Conducting tests to determine your true ISO speed.
  • Interpreting RGB Histogram readings
  • Film simulations true ISO speed for proper exposure


Application of the Zone system How to apply it to color and black and white images.



Class Two – Advanced Zone Photography Class – applying the Digital Zone System

 Working with various meters, incident, reflective, spot and camera meters- real life examples and study.

What mode and why? Understanding when to use Aperture or Shutter priority and shooting in Manual mode.

Student’s photography Interest– Portrait, landscape, wildlife, product, real estate, etc. Student assignments for specific types of shooting. General portfolio review, establishing photographic goals.


Zone System Beginning class – 4 sessions, $500.00.


Advanced Zone photography class – 4 sessions, $500.00


Contact me to enroll 

About the instructor